When can a seller claim Amazon Reimbursement

what is amazon reimbursement


When inventory is lost or damaged, it can be disheartening as it not only affects your sales but also hampers keyword ranking and reviews.

The good news is that Amazon provides reimbursement options to sellers for such incidents. However, in order to receive compensation, it may be necessary to submit a claim to Amazon for the lost or damaged inventory.

what is amazon reimbursementWhat is Amazon Reimbursement?

As an Amazon FBA seller, you totally depend on Amazon’s fulfillment centers to handle the storage and shipping of your products to buyers. While the majority of the time things run smoothly, there is a possibility of Amazon messing up sometimes. There are chances of your inventory units getting misplaced, damaged, or lost in the FBA warehouse.

One common challenge that sellers often encounter is when Amazon loses or damages their inventory. In such situations, the question that arises is, “How can I obtain reimbursement for these issues?”

For Amazon FBA sellers like yourself, having a clear understanding of the Amazon FBA reimbursement process is crucial for the success of your business. It is important to know the steps involved in obtaining reimbursement for any products that may be lost by Amazon while they are in their possession.

The good news is that you are at the right place! FBA Reimbursement experts is all you.

Types Of Amazon FBA Reimbursements

Lost or damaged inventory

If your inventory is lost or damaged while under Amazon’s control, such as within an Amazon fulfillment center, you can claim reimbursement. This can happen due to mishandling, misplacement, or accidents during the storage or shipping process.

Customer returns not properly returned to inventory

When a customer returns an item, Amazon should restock it into your inventory for potential resale. However, if the item is not properly returned to your inventory and is instead lost or misplaced, you can request reimbursement for the value of that item.

Inbound shipment discrepancies

If there are discrepancies between the number of units you shipped to Amazon’s fulfillment centers and the number of units Amazon reports as received, you can claim reimbursement. This includes cases where Amazon miscounts or fails to properly receive your inventory.

FBA fee overcharges

If you believe that Amazon has incorrectly assessed FBA fees, such as storage fees, pick and pack fees, or other fulfillment fees, you can request reimbursement for the overcharged amount.

Inaccurate customer refunds

If Amazon issues a refund to a customer for an FBA order but fails to deduct the refunded amount from your account, resulting in an inaccurate charge, you can seek reimbursement for the refunded amount.

Disposal or liquidation discrepancies

If there are errors or discrepancies in the disposal or liquidation process of your inventory by Amazon, and you incur losses as a result, you can claim reimbursement.

Who is Eligible for Amazon Reimbursement?

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) Sellers

Sellers who utilize Amazon’s FBA service and experience issues like lost or damaged inventory, discrepancies in inbound shipments, customer returns not properly returned to inventory, or fee overcharges may be eligible for reimbursement.

Sellers using Amazon’s Shipping and Fulfillment Services

Sellers who rely on Amazon’s shipping and fulfillment services, such as Seller Fulfilled Prime or Multi-Channel Fulfillment, can be eligible for reimbursement in case of lost or damaged inventory during the shipping process or discrepancies in inventory counts.

Merchants using Amazon Payments

If you are a merchant utilizing Amazon Payments for transactions, you may be eligible for reimbursement if you encounter issues such as unauthorized transactions, fraudulent activity, or errors in payment processing

What are the eligibility criteria?

Sellers must utilize the Amazon FBA program to fulfill orders in case of damage or loss.

Amazon reimbursement is only available for products that meet the requirements and restrictions set by Amazon.

Sellers need to accurately input the shipping plan that provides a detailed description of their inventory’s items and qualities.

Reimbursement is not provided for items that are pending disposal due to a seller’s request.

Additionally, the products must comply with the FBA inventory requirements to qualify for reimbursement.

It is not possible to request Amazon to discard an item and then seek reimbursement for it.

If Amazon has the right to dispose of an item, such as due to expiration, reimbursement cannot be claimed for that item.

Only non-defective items are eligible for Amazon reimbursement.

Items that are damaged by customers and subsequently returned are not eligible for reimbursement.

Finally, sellers must have a regular status on their Amazon Seller Central account in order to file an Amazon reimbursement claim.


With millions of other FBA sellers operating alongside you, the scale of FBA warehouses is enormous. Each day, numerous employees handle millions of products to keep the FBA operations running smoothly.

Given the rapid pace and massive scale of these operations, it’s inevitable that logistical errors and accidents can occur. There is always a possibility that your inventory units might be misplaced, damaged, or lost within the FBA warehouse. Even inbound shipments can experience issues of being lost or misplaced.

As an FBA seller, you invest money in Amazon’s services, making you eligible for reimbursement if Amazon commits any errors.

Safeguarding your seller account and the money you’ve worked hard to earn is crucial. Amazon FBA generally reimburses your funds, but errors can occur.

You need your hard-earned money back, don’t you; then What are you waiting for? Contact us today so we can help you get refunded by Amazon!

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